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What is Libido in Men and Women?

Libido is often used to describe sex drive, and while that’s certainly part of it, libido actually goes quite a bit deeper than that. So what is libido in men? What is low libido, and how can you increase yours if you’ve felt your appetite for sex dwindling?

You’ve come to the right place. This beginner’s guide will leave you with a solid grasp on everything you need to know about libido - what it’s influenced by, signs yours may be too low or high, and how to treat libido-related problems.

Whether it’s you or your partner you’re worried about, the answer can be as simple as trying something new, like our sex chocolate here at Tabs. It’s helped more than 200,000+ people enjoy more satisfying sex, and it can do the same for you. Try it risk-free today!

What is Libido in Men and Women?

So what is libido in men and women? At its core, this term describes one’s sexual appetite. It’s a central part of human sexuality and is driven by our primal urges and survival instincts to reproduce.

These days, though, libido is more about how interested you are in sex and has much less to do with staying alive. It also speaks to how emotionally and physically connected you feel to others. But, it varies among men and women so let’s unpack it a bit further.

What is Libido in Men?

Male libido is closely tied to testosterone levels as this is the primary male sex hormone. Men typically experience higher libido in their youth but levels gradually decline as they age. 

Testosterone isn’t the only factor, though stress, emotional well-being, relationship quality, and physical health all contribute to fluctuations in male libido - just as it does in women. 

It's not uncommon for men to experience dips in sexual desire at certain stages of life due to changes in any of these areas. We’ll take a closer look at some of these factors in a bit, but let’s look at the female libido first.

What is Libido in Women?

Female libido is far more complex. It can be impacted by hormonal changes, emotional connections, and even social factors. Estrogen and progesterone play a role, especially during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. 

But unlike men whose libido is often more consistently influenced by biology, women may feel their desire linked more strongly to emotional closeness and overall well-being. 

Things like stress, relationship satisfaction, and even how confident they feel about their bodies can all affect a woman’s sex drive. 

It’s easy to view libido as a purely biological process, but it’s actually shaped by how people feel about themselves and their relationships. It’s very fluid and will fluctuate with age, experiences, and even day-to-day mood shifts. 

What is Low Libido?

Now, what is low libido, and why is it a problem? A decrease in sex drive from normal levels is unfortunately quite common in men and women alike. It basically means the affected individual is less interested in sex, has fewer sexual fantasies, or has a lower motivation to engage in sex.

While it’s normal for libido to fluctuate due to stress, life changes, or aging, persistently low libido can cause concerns for individuals and couples. 

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what constitutes “low libido” because it’s so individualized. What one person may deem a low sex drive might be perfectly normal for another. 

This is why it’s so important to know yourself and your romantic partner. You’ll likely feel the effects of a lower libido in the form of less frequent sex, often hearing excuses like “I’m too tired,” or “I’m not in the mood.”

Why a Healthy Libido is Important

A healthy libido is more than just about sex. It’s about helping you and your partner remain satisfied in the relationship. Sexual desire is an important component of intimacy, both emotional intimacy vs physical intimacy. It strengthens the bond shared between a couple. 

If it persists for too long, low libido can lead to dissatisfaction in the relationship - causing more conflict, leading to infidelity, and eventually, causing the couple to slowly but surely grow more and more distant and leading to breakups. 

The effects of lack of physical intimacy in a relationship can really start to take a toll, but the importance of physical intimacy in a relationship is just one reason why a healthy libido is so essential. 

Individuals need a healthy libido as low libido leaves you feeling physically exhausted and drained. In fact, many experts look at libido as an overall libido for well-being. 

A healthy libido suggests good hormonal balance, emotional health, and physical well-being. It often correlates with higher self-esteem and body confidence, as those who feel good about themselves are far more comfortable having sex and being physically open with someone.

Those with high libido tend to have better mental health as well since regular sex releases endorphins and oxytocin, both of which can alleviate stress and promote feelings of happiness. 

Sex also has physical benefits beyond feeling great. It can improve cardiovascular health, boost immunity, and promote better sleep. So, it’s important that you know how to talk to your partner about lack of intimacy and how to deal with a partner with low libido if it comes up.

That being said, an overly high libido isn’t necessarily ideal either. 

Signs of an Overly High Libido (Hypersexuality)

Most of the conversation surrounding libido focuses on low libido since that’s a more common issue. However, an overly high libido, known as hypersexuality, can cause problems of its own.

This is essentially a condition where one is excessively preoccupied with sexual thoughts, urges, or behaviors. It becomes challenging to focus on daily tasks, prioritize work or family obligations, or maintain healthy relationships due to their heightened sexual desire.

Those who are romantically involved with someone who has an overly high libido find it “hard to keep up.” This can create relationship problems as well, as one partner feels their needs aren’t being met while the other feels there are unrealistic expectations being set.

In some cases, individuals may turn to pornography or excessive masturbation, neglecting other aspects of their lives. It can eventually lead to “sex addiction.” 

Hypersexuality can be caused by anything from psychological issues such as anxiety or depression to hormonal imbalances or substance abuse. It can even be tied to underlying conditions like bipolar disorder or ADHD.

It’s important to strike a balance between sexual health and overall life satisfaction. There’s a sweet spot for libido where it thrives without posing a problem in your lifestyle and relationships. There are ways you can influence your libido, but it starts with understanding the factors at play.

Factors Influencing Libido in Men and Women

We touched on some of these things earlier, but what is libido influenced by in men and women? Let’s take a closer look at all the moving pieces in the complex puzzle that is libido.

Hormonal Changes

You already know that men need ample testosterone levels to maintain a healthy sex drive. As this hormone naturally decreases with age, many men may notice a gradual decline in their libido. 

Women’s sex hormones, on the other hand, are estrogen and progesterone. These fluctuate more frequently throughout their life, especially during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. These hormonal changes can lead to temporary or long-term shifts in libido.

Mental and Emotional Health

Depression, anxiety, or chronic stress can all dampen sexual desire. It’s hard to have any interest in sex when someone is emotionally overwhelmed - libido takes a back seat. 

Poor self-esteem or negative body image can also create additional psychological barriers to enjoying a healthy sex drive. Those with confidence issues find it challenging to let their guard down and be open with someone. We have a guide on how to overcome fear of physical intimacy for this reason in particular.

On the other hand, feeling emotionally connected to a partner can enhance sexual desire, as emotional intimacy often translates to physical intimacy. So if you are wondering how to increase physical intimacy in a relationship, start by working on the emotional side of things!

Relationship Quality

Speaking of relationships, the strength of your bond with your partner is a major factor influencing libido, particularly for women. Trust, communication, and emotional closeness can directly affect sexual desire. 

Relationships with tension, lack of communication, or emotional distance tend to have less sex, and the sex is less enjoyable. On the contrary, partners who feel emotionally fulfilled and connected are more likely to experience a healthier and more satisfying sex life.

Physical Health and Fitness

Individuals who stay active, eat a healthy diet, and take care of their physical health in other ways are more likely to have a high libido.

Physical fitness improves blood flow, supports healthy hormone production, and boosts self-confidence - all factors that can raise your sex drive. Conversely, chronic illnesses, obesity, and sedentary lifestyles can lead to decreased libido.

Medications and Medical Conditions

Antidepressants, birth control pills, and blood pressure medications all have nasty side effects related to libido. We’ve had to write a detailed guide on how to increase libido while on birth control for this reason.

Meanwhile, conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and thyroid disorders can also lower sex drive. This is why you need to take a sudden change in libido seriously when there are no other obvious reasons for it. It could indicate something more sinister going on.

Lifestyle Habits

This is somewhat related to physical health, but unhealthy lifestyle choices like smoking, drinking, or drug use can have a detrimental effect on libido. 

These things reduce blood flow and impair hormonal balance, causing your sex drive to falter. Making healthier lifestyle choices like reducing alcohol intake or quitting smoking can improve both physical health and libido over time.


It’s clear that aging naturally impacts libido, but the actual degree to which your sex drive drops over time can vary wildly. While some men and women experience a decline in sexual desire as they age, others maintain a healthy sex drive well into their later years. 

This goes back to changes in hormonal levels, physical health, and relationship dynamics, all of which can influence libido. The good news is that with proper self-care, communication, and a proactive approach to health, you can enjoy a fulfilling sex life regardless of age.

Stress and Work-Life Balance

Stress seems inescapable in this day and age, especially from work or personal responsibilities. Unfortunately, stress can wreak havoc on your libido along with other aspects of health.

Chronic stress impairs the body’s ability to produce sex hormones. Making matters worse, exhaustion from overwork or a lack of balance between personal and professional life can leave little energy for intimacy. 

This means managing stress and prioritizing downtime with a partner can help you regain a healthy libido. However, there are actually quite a few ways you can improve your libido. We’ll share some of the most effective below.

How to Treat Low Libido

With all the different factors impacting your libido it’s clear that treatment is going to need to be multifacted. It will involve addressing a combination of physical, emotional, and lifestyle factors. It starts with ruling out underlying health issues.

Address Underlying Health Issues

Sometimes low libido can be attributed to an underlying health issue - be it hormonal fluctuations, thyroid disorders, or chronic conditions like diabetes. Because these are more serious concerns, it’s a good idea to begin by figuring out if one of these is the cause.

Treating these conditions through medication or lifestyle adjustments can often lead to an improvement in sexual desire. But more importantly, it can help you maintain an overall good bill of health.

Women specifically may find their sex drive woes can be traced back to menopause, pregnancy, or even birth control. Hormone therapy in the form of estrogen or testosterone treatments may be the answer here.

Consider Medication Adjustments

Maybe your libido letdowns have been due to a medication you’re taking, such as antidepressants, birth control, blood pressure meds, etc. 

While you shouldn’t make any changes on your own, it’s worth talking to your doctor about adjusting the dosage or alternative treatments you can try. There may be a better solution for you that still treats the condition you’re struggling with while avoiding this frustrating side effect.

Incorporate Libido-Boosting Supplements and Herbs

From the best libido booster for men to herbs for libido female, there are plenty of supplements you have access to for restoring a well-functioning sex drive. Here are some of the most popular:

  • Maca root: Known for balancing hormones and increasing sexual stamina.
  • Fenugreek: Helps regulate hormones, particularly in women.
  • L-arginine: Boosts blood flow, which is crucial for arousal and sexual performance.
  • Horny Goat Weed: Traditionally used to improve sexual function by boosting circulation.

Better yet, consider trying sex chocolate by Tabs. Wait, what is sex chocolate? As the name suggests, this delectable treat does more than satisfy your sweet tooth. It helps satisfy your need for a better sex life simultaneously!

It contains some of the most powerful aphrodisiacs available, like maca, horny goat weed, and kanna. Chocolate itself is an aphrodisiac, too. Learn more about the dark chocolate sex benefits in our blog.

The Tabs chocolate ingredients all work in synergy to lower mental barriers that may hold you back from being completely present and open, while priming your physical senses for more enjoyable sex. The best part is there aren’t any side effects of sex chocolate.

We know it sounds too good to be true…does Tabs chocolate work? With a 30-day money-back guarantee and 200,000+ happy customers, you don’t just have to take our word for it! Get the best sex chocolate today at Tabs.

Manage Stress and Mental Health

If you’re constantly stressed, anxious, or depressed, it’s no surprise that your sex drive might take a hit! Stress triggers the release of cortisol, which suppresses your body’s ability to produce sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen.

Therapy, mindfulness practices, and stress management techniques like yoga or meditation can help. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be necessary if you can’t get stress under control on your own. 

Focus on Emotional Intimacy

Feeling disconnected or unfulfilled emotionally can lead to a reduction in sexual desire, so take an internal look at the relationship you’re in and see if there is something that’s not quite right. 

Couples can strengthen their emotional bond through transparent conversation, quality time together, and physical affection that isn’t just centered around sex. 

Building emotional intimacy can reignite sexual attraction and increase libido over time. Follow our tips on how to bring back intimacy in a marriage if you find yours has gone stale.

Regular Exercise

How does exercise increase libido, you ask? It’s multifaceted - from improving circulation to increasing energy levels and releasing feel-good hormones like endorphins. All of these aspects lead to a healthier sex drive.

Staying active also has the added bonus of boosting your self-confidence. So if your libido issues can be traced back to self-esteem shortcomings, try working towards a body you’re proud of.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) or even moderate activities like brisk walking or cycling a few times a week can have a profound effect on your overall libido. For women, incorporating pelvic floor exercises (like Kegels) can also enhance sexual sensitivity and satisfaction.

Make Time for Self-Care and Sleep

Neglecting self-care inevitably leads to burnout and low libido. Carve out time for relaxation, hobbies, and self-love. Make sure you get enough high-quality sleep since fatigue is one of the most common libido-killers.

Spice Things Up in the Bedroom

Sometimes your libido issues are nothing more than boredom in the bedroom. Trying new things can reignite your sexual interest and add excitement back into your relationship. 

This might mean experimenting with different forms of foreplay, changing the setting, or even using tools like Tabs aphrodisiac chocolates or sensual massage oils to spice things up.

Communicate With Your Partner

Being open about your feelings and concerns with your partner can relieve some of the pressure and lead to better understanding and support. After all, if you’re worried about libido there’s a good chance your partner is having the same concerns.

Work together to find solutions that work for both of you. That could be setting aside time for intimacy or trying something new. Maybe it’s resolving a conflict that never got worked through. Whatever the case, it’s a team effort.

Professional Help

We are hopeful and confident these tips will help you restore a healthy libido. But if not, it’s worth consulting an expert, be it a couples therapist, sex therapist, or even a doctor.

Some people may also benefit from working with a holistic health practitioner to explore complementary treatments like acupuncture or herbal medicine. 

But our sex chocolate for women and men can be a great first step towards rekindling the flame in your sex drive. Try it today as we wrap up our beginner’s guide to libido!

Wrapping Up Our Beginner’s Guide to Libido

So what is libido? In conclusion, this is simply a term used to describe your sex drive - but as you can see, it’s a far more complex subject than you’d initially assume.

Libido isn’t just about who you’re physically attracted to. Rather, it’s a convoluted interplay of hormones, physical health, emotional availability, trust, and more.

Low libido can affect anyone at different stages of life. Whether it's due to stress, relationship issues, or medical conditions, you should now feel capable of uncovering the root cause and taking action towards improving it.

For an extra boost, try Tabs Sex Chocolate and rediscover your passion and connection with your partner. Trust us, you’ll be back for more once you feel the satisfying difference firsthand!